NTR secures ten year battery capacity payments in Ireland and signs 86MW corporate PPA with Microsoft

Dublin, December 2021: NTR battery storage projects have secured ten-year contracts for the supply of grid capacity for the Irish grid system in the capacity auction announced by grid operators Eirgrid and SONI in December 2021. The two projects located in Co. Wexford, Ireland, are amongst only eleven battery projects to be successful in the auction providing 5% of the grid’s capacity requirements. As an emerging clean energy technology, NTR’s battery storage projects are at the vanguard of providing a clean energy alternative to ensuring generation capacity is sufficient to meet demand.
Between them, the two projects comprise 22 MW installed and in addition to capacity, the projects will provide grid firming services to support the grid’s ability to deal with variable power produced by a rapidly expanding fleet of wind and solar projects, helping to address Ireland’s climate goals.
Meanwhile, in Sweden, NTR has also signed a corporate power purchase agreement (PPA), with Microsoft for the provision of clean energy from the 86MW Norra Vedbo wind project owned by NTR and Reichmuth Infrastructure, which is expected to go into operations in Q4 2022. The long-term power purchase agreement assists Microsoft in its plans to offset its Sweden datacentre region energy consumption with 100% carbon-free energy. The Norra Vedbo project consists of 20 Vestas V150 turbines, each with an installed capacity of 4.3 MW and once operational, it is estimated that the project will produce enough clean power to serve the annual consumption of c. 44,000 households.
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Issued on behalf of NTR plc by Heneghan
Enquiries: Emma Flannery, Phone +353 87 924 9349; Email: emma@heneghan.ie
About NTR
NTR is a sustainable infrastructure investor and asset manager that acquires, constructs and manages renewable energy and energy storage projects. NTR has developed, constructed and operated over 2,700 MW of wind, solar and energy storage projects in Europe and the USA and today manages clean energy projects located in c. 50 locations around Europe. Its first fund, NTR Wind 1 LP, was launched in 2015 to invest in pre-construction onshore wind projects in Ireland and the UK. Its second fund, NTR Renewable Energy Income Fund II, invests in both pre-construction and operational onshore wind and solar projects together with energy storage across a number of European markets.