NTR Renewable Assets Displace Enough Co2 Emissions to Offset Over 480,000 Passenger Flights From London to New York

Dublin, 9 September, 2020: NTR’s portfolio of European wind and solar assets produced enough clean energy to displace 166,262 tonnes of CO2 emissions during its most recent financial year, which is enough to offset 482,159 passenger flights[1] from London to New York. This is just one of the facts disclosed in the NTR ESG Annual Report 2020, which was launched today.
With 400MW of wind and solar assets in Ireland, UK, France, Sweden and Finland built and put into operations by NTR over various dates since 2015, the expanding NTR fleet has, to date, displaced over 477,500 tonnes of CO2 emissions, enough to offset 1.4 million passenger flights from London to New York.
“The NTR ESG Annual Report provides detailed metrics and transparency on all that we have done in the environmental, social and governance (ESG) areas over the past year;” said Rosheen McGuckian, NTR’s Chief Executive Officer. “We are accountable to our investors and to communities at large and the NTR ESG Annual Report gives a myriad of metrics and insights on areas such as safety, ecology, community supports, workforce diversity, as well as our impact on climate.”
The report, which is freely available on www.ntrplc.com, also provides an overview of NTR’s response to climate change risks as well as a broad range of case studies across each of the E, S and G areas.
The NTR ESG Annual Report is launched at a time when NTR has been awarded an A+ rating for Infrastructure and A for Strategy and Governance from UN Principles for Responsible Investment (UNPRI) for 2020.
Said Rosheen McGuckian; “We are delighted to obtain this independent validation of the practical ways in which we drive each of E, S and G measures across our business. We see sustainability as much more than being a specialist investor in renewables. It is about conducting our business in a responsible way across the board and the ESG Annual Report helps explain how we go about this.”
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Issued on behalf of NTR plc by Heneghan
Enquiries: Emma Flannery, Phone +353 87 924 9349; Email: emma@heneghan.ie
About NTR
NTR is a sustainable infrastructure investor and asset manager that acquires, constructs and manages renewable energy projects.
Its first fund, NTR Wind 1 LP, was launched in 2015 to invest in pre-construction onshore wind projects in Ireland and the UK. This fund has investments of just under 225 MW of wind projects. Its second fund, NTR Renewable Energy Income Fund II, invests in both pre-construction and operational onshore wind and solar projects across a number of European markets. To date, NTR has acquired over 290 MW of wind and solar projects for this fund.
[1] The ICAO Carbon Emissions Calculator calculates that each passenger leg between LHR (London) and JFK (New York) creates 335.4kg CO2 per passenger leg.